Info Session on New Essential Service and Anti-Scab Legislation

Big changes are coming to the rules that govern how unions and employers negotiate collective agreements in Manitoba, and all unions will be affected.

On the plus side, unions will soon be able to organize new workplaces through a simple, single-step process of getting a majority of workers to sign a union application card – that’s right, we’ve finally won 50% + 1 card check!

And for the first time in Manitoba history, scab labour will be banned, so workers have a fair chance to fight for their rights and both sides have an incentive to reach a fair deal.

But there are also big changes coming to essential services legislation that will impact all unions in Manitoba and require some major new steps in the collective bargaining process.

Starting this fall, all unions (public sector, private sector and building trades) will need to negotiate essential service agreements as part of the bargaining process.

Having an essential service agreement in place will be a precondition to strikes or lockouts. That’s a very big change, especially for unions that haven’t been covered by essential service requirements up until now.

The MFL is pleased to be hosting two INFO SESSIONS for Affiliates to help understand what the government’s new anti-scab / essential services legislation means for how we bargain and how strikes take place. This will also include information about the MFL’s campaign to win amendments to the government’s anti-scab bill to make sure Manitoba workers get the same strong protection as their federal counterparts.

For details on how to attend in-person or virtually, please RSVP by Sept 6th to

INFO SESSION: Manitoba’s New Essential Services / Anti-Scab Legislation

  • Sept. 13, 12 pm – 1:30 pm
  • Sept. 19, 8:00 am – 9:30 am

 In-person space is limited, so RSVP today.


Sep 19 2024


8:00 am - 9:30 am

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