Deadline extended for Poinsettia & Holiday Swag Sale

November 19, 2012

The deadline has been extended for MFL Women’s Committee Poinsettias and Holiday Door Swag sale. The sale raises funds for the West Central Women’s Resource Centre.

The new deadline is November 30th.

Poinsettias are $20 each and available in the following colours: red, creamy white, and peppermint.

Door Swags are $30 each. The swag is a blend of pine, balsam, cedar, fir and Pine cones and finished with a hand-tied bow.

Both the poinsettias and door swag are sourced from Shelmerdine.

Contact Donna at the MFL office (947-1400) to place your order.

Both the order and payment must be received by the deadline.

Make cheques payable to the Manitoba Federation of Labour and indicate:
Poinsettia Sales
303-275 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M6

The Poinsettias and Swags will be available for pick up on December 6th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the MFL office (303-275 Broadway). We will NOT be delivering any flowers or swags.