Peoples Social Forum, August 21-24 Ottawa

January 24, 2014

Thousands of people are expected to gather in Ottawa from August 21-24, 2014 for the upcoming People’s Social Forum. Manitoba activists have a key role to play in this significant political moment that will bring social movements together from coast to coast.

The goal of the Peoples Social Forum is to build a united and cohesive front against the Conservative corporate agenda, austerity and privatization. A Labour Caucus has been established that, so far, includes  the FTQ, OFL, CUPE, CUPW, PSAC, CSQ, CSN, among others.  It’s role is to develop and organize labour’s participation in the Peoples Social Forum.  Discussions are currently taking place with more unions, such as UNIFOR and USW, to expand the Labour Caucus. 

The Forum secretariat, comprised of three full-time staff has now been set up in Ottawa. Sister Anna Collins has been hired as the Aboriginal coordinator and she has also been charged with developing expansion committees on the Prairies.

The Labour Caucus has also formulated two themes to take to the program committee: “Work in the 21st Century” and “Defending the Social Safety Net and the Role of the State”.  These more general themes encompass Labour’s concerns but are also formulated in such a way as to favour collaboration with the networks, common fronts and alliances that we are active in. Labour’s social justice allies are encouraged to join  the Peoples Social Forum.